April 15th

To keep things simple across the grade level our digital learning plan is below but that doesn't mean you can't switch things up. Trade an activity out for one of the many offered in the weekly attachments in my morning emails! Have your child get on the digital platforms and then switch out the writing for one of the writing prompts or research if you want! 

We Miss You!!!!

Our digital learning plan asks only that your child….

Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on ReadingEggs or read on Raz-Kids and complete quizzes 

Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on MathSeeds or Dreambox
Read a story with your family
Write a sentence or more about your favorite part of the story in a journal or on a piece of paper. (Please be sure to capitalize, punctuate and spell sight words correctly!)
Work on the homework for the week (posted in attachment)

Message from our Learning Commons:
Parents and students, I miss you!  I hope that you are reading and enjoying a lot of special times with your families.  Please join me on Tuesday and Thursdays at 10:30 am for live story times.  Click here for the links: https://tinyurl.com/rp2c64z
-Mrs. Nelson

Music: https://aesmusicroom.weebly.com/kindergarten.html

Art: https://artataddison.weebly.com/

PE: https://cobbk12org-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mary_nelson_cobbk12_org/EUtwBod6LbJPkR7FxMoxDFYBJQVjDp7W0HXKsOAixha9Ww?e=ch4a64 

Science Lab: https://addisonfoundation.wordpress.com/

Additional links on: http://www.cobbk12.org/Addison/ 


Sight words for the week:  home, going, this
Letter sounds of the week: Long o as in “bone” and “boat” and “toe”

Writing Wednesday

Handwriting practice!
Practice writing all you lowercase letters neatly and accurately in your journal. Think about which letters are tall, small or fall (go into the ground).

Read the story of “Old Joe Crow” with your family. Make a list of 8 words you find that have the “long o” sound in them and underline what letter combinations make regular “o” turn into “long o”. 

Read the story of “Old Joe Crow” with your family. Read the list of “long o” words below to your family and draw a picture to represent each word. 


Old Joe Crow’s Story
Once upon a time, a whole family of crows lived in the tallest oak tree on the west coast. On the highest branch of this oak, the crows made a nest in the shape of a throne. To decide which crow would sit on the throne, the crows took a vote. It was agreed that the crow who soared the highest would own the throne until a higher flying crow took its place. 

The first crow to win the throne was a bold young show-off named Joe. From his throne in the oak, Joe would boast of how he could float above the trees on the slightest breeze and roam from coast to coast with just a flap of his wings. Joe was so bold that he thought he would never grow old and have to give up the throne. But like all living things, Joe did grow old.
It was a cold snowy morning when Joe first looked up from his throne and noticed younger crows soaring higher than he had ever flown. Knowing that time had taken its toll on even this bold crow, Joe left his throne and coasted slowly down to his new home on the lowest branch of the old oak tree. 

At first Joe was sad to lose his home on the throne, but he refused to give up exploring and he still wanted to be the best crow at something. When he noticed a tiny row boat in the river under the old oak tree, Joe got an idea. 

Every night Joe practiced rowing that boat until he could row almost as fast as he used to soar. Then one day the other crows were surprised when they heard someone crowing, “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream …” When the crows looked down, there was Old Joe Crow rowing his boat and crowing his song. Now Old Joe Crow is the only crow who knows how to row, and each day Joe rows his boat and sings his song while the younger crows soar overhead.


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