April 22nd

Here is how we hope you will break down the week’s animal report:


First day is habitat. Where does the animal live? Do they live in a cave or a den? Do they live on a farm or in a jungle? Maybe give details on where they live, what state, country? I would also like to ask that you draw a picture of the animal in their habitat or find a picture to share or print. 


Second day is diet of the animal. What do they eat? You could write about how they get their food. Where does their food come from? Are they carnivores or herbivores? Also, would like a picture of what the animal eats. Again, you can draw or take a picture. 


Third day is 3 facts about the animal. This can be anything interesting you find out about the animal. They swim while they sleep, they run 58 mph, they are nocturnal, etc. Just 3 interesting facts you can find about your animal. Would like a picture of one of the facts, either drawn or picture found. 


Put it all together. On Monday I sent out a sample of what the final product could look like. You can do it on a poster board, or any kind of board, or put it all together like a book. You get to choose, just make sure it has the pictures and the facts that you wrote sentences for. I look forward to seeing all your projects on Friday! 


Our digital learning plan asks only that your child….

  • Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on ReadingEggs or read on Raz-Kids and complete quizzes 
  • Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on MathSeeds or Dreambox
  • Read a story with your family
  • Write a sentence or more about your favorite part of the story in a journal or on a piece of paper. (Please be sure to capitalize, punctuate and spell sight words correctly!)
  • Animal Research Project -- Please be sure to capitalize, punctuate and spell sight words correctly! 
  • Work on the homework for the week
Sight words for the week:  new, some, they
Letter sounds of the week: Long U as in “cube” 

Writing Wednesday:

One of your sight words has the “long a” sound in it but doesn’t even have a letter “a” in it. Which sight word is that? Write it 3 times neatly in your journal.

Read the story of “ Huey the Mule” with your family. Make a list of 7 words you hear that have a “long u” sound in your journal.  Write a sentence using the word “fuel” in it. 

Read the story of “Huey the Mule” to your family.
Imagine you had a pet mule. Write a short story about what you would do with your huge, cute, mule.

Huey, The Mule Who Liked To Chew

June and Julie used to live in an apartment in the city. Both girls liked the hustle and bustle of city life, and they enjoyed helping out in their dad’s gas station. June liked to pump the gas when cars came in for fuel. Julie liked helping her dad tune the car’s engines, replace burnt fuses, and patch the huge inner tubes used in big truck tires. But more than anything else, June and Julie wanted to have a pet. Sadly, the apartment house where they lived did not allow pets.

When Dad announced that they were moving to a farm in the country, June and Julie were thrilled. Finally they could have the pet they had always dreamed of owning.

When they arrived at the farm, Dad surprised June and Julie with a cute baby mule. At first the girls were excited. They named the mule Huey and took turns feeding and leading him around the farm. The girls thought caring for a pet would be all fun and games until they discovered Huey’s worst habit. Like many young animals, Huey liked to chew. 

June thought Huey was cute when he chewed a hole in an old truck tube, but she didn’t think Huey was cute when he chewed her new blue shoes. Fortunately, when Julie heard June scolding Huey, she came to his rescue. 

Julie discovered that Huey liked sugar cubes better than inner tubes or new shoes, and she treated Huey to a few each day. The girls also got Huey a huge piece of leather that he could chew while his new teeth were growing. Now Huey is content chewing sugar cubes and leather chews and he leaves shoes alone. 

Here’s what we would have done had we been in school this week:
For worksheets see Monday's email.

Phonics: Long U sound
This is a tougher sound to teach as there are two ways to pronounce the sound (unicorn versus flute) and many ways to make the sound (bully-e as in cube, two vowels go walking as in blue, oo as in cartoon, ew as in few).  Activities and worksheets attached to email that went out today! 

Reading: We will continue on with main idea and detail of non-fiction text. I heard lots of stories about the kiddos finding maps. Indexes, tables of contents etc. in their texts last week. Great job noticing all the things that help you learn from text. Please see last week’s email for details about this if you have not had a chance to work on it. Remember, Pebblego is a great resource and by now, your child should not need the “read to” feature much to be able to understand the text. Raz-Kids has some great non-fiction resources as well. I’ve assigned National Geographic books on Epic Books. Only 8 out of 23 students have used the email I sent out to create an account. 

Math: We have pretty much worked through our math standards for the 4th quarter. Much of what you do should be a review. If your child is doing advanced counting (by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s) you can extend them by turning these into multiplication problems (2 x 5 is counting by 5 two times so it equals 10) or have them count mixed money (2 dimes, 1 nickel and a penny is 10 +10 + 5 + 1 which they can do in their heads one step at a time) or try adding 10 to any number you give them by changing the first digit) 

Writing: Please use the animal research project as your writing practice for the week. Consider starting the report with a “hook” like an unusual exclamation fact or a question you will answer afterward. Sometimes starting with an opinion is a great beginning and then presenting facts to support it might convince others your opinion was correct. 

Science: We are moving from roots onto the stems of plants. Here is a great video of the parts of a plant:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18amLZ9vfG8 but you can start the video at 2:50 as the beginning is like an advertisement for the people who make it. Also, it may have an ad throughout you can skip through. 
Stems come in two forms, herbaceous and woody. Herbaceous are flexible like a flower and woody are hard like a tree trunk.

Social Studies: Please keep working on learning The National Anthem and post a video of your child singing it on SeeSaw. 

**Don't forget to practice small batches of sight words each day**
Letters and Sight Words of the Week 2019-2020

Sight Words
August 1
August 5

August 12
Short I
I, it, is
August 19
am, and, an
August 26
Short A
a,  as, do
September 3
so, see, me
September 9
to, the, my
September 16
           not, on, no
   September 23
September 30
Short O
at, in, will
October 7
he, she, we
October 14
said, saw, was
October 21
C (hard and soft)
can, came, come
October 28
 his, help, her
November 4
big, by, be
November 11
Short U
but, up, us
November 18     
ran, run, him
November 25
December 2
Short E
when, then, well
December 19
G (hard and soft)
go, give, get
December 16
did, had, has
January 6
what, were
January 13
like, let, look
January 21
put, out, now
January 27
must, into, all
February 3
your, you, yes
February 10
very, love, of
February 17

February 24
want, went, who
March 2
little, have, with
March 9
Bossy R (ar, or, ir, ur, er)
are, for, from
March 16
Long A
ate, make, say
March 23
Long E
please, eat, here
March 30
Long I
Find, fly, why
April 6

April 13
Long O
home, going, this
April 20
Long U
new, some, they
April 27
soon, good, too
May 4
down, our, how
May 11
there, where
May 18

Please remember to check out the specials blogs/sites as they are posting their lessons there. Also, Mrs. Knobbe has added a science lab video/activity on her blog so check it out.

All other specialist and support staff are linked on a grid on the Addison Elementary homepage! http://www.cobbk12.org/Addison/  


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