April 14th

To keep things simple across the grade level our digital learning plan is below but that doesn't mean you can't switch things up. Trade an activity out for one of the many offered in the weekly attachments in my morning emails! Have your child get on the digital platforms and then switch out the writing for one of the writing prompts or research if you want! 

Our digital learning plan asks only that your child….

Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on ReadingEggs or read on Raz-Kids and complete quizzes 

Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on MathSeeds or Dreambox
Read a story with your family
Write a sentence or more about your favorite part of the story in a journal or on a piece of paper. (Please be sure to capitalize, punctuate and spell sight words correctly!)
Work on the homework for the week (posted in attachment)

Message from our Learning Commons:
Parents and students, I miss you!  I hope that you are reading and enjoying a lot of special times with your families.  Please join me on Tuesday and Thursdays at 10:30 am for live story times.  Click here for the links: https://tinyurl.com/rp2c64z
-Mrs. Nelson

Music: https://aesmusicroom.weebly.com/kindergarten.html

Art: https://artataddison.weebly.com/

PE: https://cobbk12org-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/mary_nelson_cobbk12_org/EUtwBod6LbJPkR7FxMoxDFYBJQVjDp7W0HXKsOAixha9Ww?e=ch4a64 

Science Lab: https://addisonfoundation.wordpress.com/

Additional links on: http://www.cobbk12.org/Addison/ 


Sight words for the week:  home, going, this
Letter sounds of the week: Long o as in “bone” and “boat” and “toe”

Technology Tuesday

There are 3 sight words we have learned this year that end with the “long o” sound for no reason at all. Find them on your list. (hint: they all are two letter words)

Go to the site www.readingeggs.com 
Login to your reading eggs account and complete one lesson of reading eggs.

Go to the site:
(Go to pbskids.org, then peg and cat, then games, then magical shape hunt) 
Play the mermaid shape game and write the name of a shape you collected in your journal. 


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