August 12-16th and What is to come in Quarter 1!

Thank you to all the families who worked on homework with your child!

Each night your child should complete the review skill (top row), choice 1 OR choice 2 and then do some reading with you. Reading aside, the work should take no longer than 20 minutes. The work should be completed on the pages behind the homework grid and you can put more than one night on a page to save paper. Until the children get more comfortable in their writing, they may need to dictate some of their ideas to you. But after a week or two, they need to begin doing some more of the writing. All the questions from the homework relate to our standards. 

I have included a great link in my drop down menu on the BLOG from Scholastic about how to set up great homework habits. 

Make homework time fun and it will give you a great understanding on where they are academically!

During reading this week we discussed sharing. Sharing can be a challenging skill at this age. They begin to learn that their actions have an impact on others: good and bad.  Our focus this week is all about sharing.  We read and discussed Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. Throughout the week we discussed why it is important to share.  How do we feel when we do or don’t share? What does it mean to share?  Sharing is a great value to have and it allows us to feel good about ourselves.

Vocabulary from Rainbow Fish:

glide: to move smoothly, without effort 

shimmer: to shine with a flickering light 

shocked: a sudden feeling 

admire: to look at with delight 

wise: smart 

Here are some things you can do at home this weekend related to our book:

  • Bake some cookies together and share with the family.
  • Color a picture together by sharing the crayons.
  • Ask your students what it means to share and why it is so important.

We had our first week of reading small groups! I encourage you to keep the sight word books that come home or any paper books that come home to refer to and to practice reading skills with!

We discussed the 4 things all great readers do:

1. Look at the pictures for clues.

2. Try to sound out some words.

3. Learn their sight words.

4. Believe they can do it!

(We need to get rid of the "I can't" attitude)
One of our class rules is to always try our best! 

**Practice those sight words! They impact reading and writing so much!!**

We learned about the difference between letters, words and sentences. Continue to practice letter identification, letter sounds and letter handwriting at home! 

We talked about who an illustrator is and what is an illustration.

Writing: We began handwriting and examined tall, small and fall letters.

Math: We talked about why we count (to tell how many) and when we count. The last 2 weeks have been all about numbers 0-10.  We counted, recognized and wrote numbers 0-10 on individual white boards.

In our first unit "counting with friends" these are the concepts students will use and understand
Count by ones from 0 to 100
Counting on from a given number
Write numbers from 0 to 10
Understand that when counting, the next number said is one larger (5 is one more than 4)

Count to match objects in a set

Rote Counting: Orally counting in sequential order (0,1,2,3,4,5 etc.)
Counting on: Instead of counting from one, counting forward from a given number.  
Number: A concept used to describe the count, size or position of objects
Numeral: symbol or mark to represent a number
Number Words: Names of numbers such as, one, two, three

Set: Collection of numbers, figures, or other objects that have some characteristics in common.

Home Activities
Have your child count the number of spoons in the drawer.
Help your child learn to count forward from 1 to 50. Don’t always begin at 1; start at other numbers                      
     like counting up from 15 etc. 
While your child is taking a bath, spray a little shaving cream on the wall and have your child write the numbers 0 – 9.
Lay out your child’s toys, and have your child touch and count each one.
Place money in a straight line and have your child touch and count each coin (they do not need to know the name or value of the coins, just using them as a counter).

Play games that require counting and using dice, such as Chutes and Ladders.

We visited the Science Lab for the first time on Monday! We talked about Science Lab Safety and appropriate Science Lab behavior! If you want to volunteer in the science lab fill out the PTA toolkit and email 

In our first science unit, students will: 
-Observe and experience several physical properties of objects to better understand and differentiate matter. 

-Sort by color, size, shape, and other physical properties. 

In Social Studies this first quarter we will be learning about:

  • How to be a good citizen. How can we be a good citizen?  Who are our authority figures?  How do my actions change the way people think about me? What are rules and why do we need to follow themThese are just some of the questions we will answer in this unit.
The rules we came up with for our class is as follows:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Keep our hands and our feet to ourselves.
3. Walk on the blue line, hands by our sides and quiet voices.
4. Raise our hand to talk.
5. Be nice and kind friends.
6. We always try and do our best!
7. Be responsible, respectful, helpful and safe. 
  • We will also be learning important character traits. Describe examples of positive character traits exhibited by good citizens such as honesty, patriotism, courtesy, respect, pride, and self-control.
Our Second Social Studies Unit of the first quarter we will be learning about: 
  • Explain the similarities and differences between maps and globes. Identify water and land on maps and globes. Understand that maps and globes are a view from above.
  • Learn about Labor Day and why we celebrate the holiday.
  • Identify the United States and Georgia flags, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Letters and Sight Words of the Week 2019-2020

Sight Words
August 1

August 5

August 12
Short I
I, it, is

August 19
am, and, an

August 26
Short A
a,  as, do

September 3
so, see, me

September 9
to, the, my

September 16
           not, on, no

   September 23

September 30
Short O
at, in, will

October 7
he, she, we
Flag Project
October 14
said, saw, was
Conference Week
October 21
C (hard and soft)
can, came, come

October 28
 his, help, her

November 4
big, by, be

November 11
Short U
but, up, us

November 18     
ran, run, him
November 25

December 2
Short E
when, then, well
Thanksgiving Project
December 19
G (hard and soft)
go, give, get

December 16
did, had, has

January 6
what, were

January 13
like, let, look

January 21
put, out, now

January 27
must, into, all

February 3
your, you, yes

February 10
very, love, of

February 17

February 24
want, went, who

March 2
little, have, with

March 9
Bossy R (ar, or, ir, ur, er)
are, for, from

March 16
Long A
ate, make, say

March 23
Long E
please, eat, here

March 30
Long I
Find, fly, why

April 6

April 13
Long O
home, going, this

April 20
Long U
new, some, they

April 27
soon, good, too

May 4
down, our, how

May 11
there, where

May 18

Check the Addison Website for upcoming school events: 

Thanks for reading through this and helping to make this school year a success! Next week's blog post should be shorter as I will not go over what is to come in the entire quarter like I did this time. 

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