October 15th-19th

I want to start off by saying thank you for everyone attending their child's conference! It was so great to talk to each and every one of you!

Congratulations to our October Leader of the Month, James!

In reading: What has eight legs and a lot of people are scared of?  SPIDERS!  This week was all about spiders.  We read and discussed Spiders by Laura Marsh.  We described characteristics of a spider.  What kind of story was this?  A fiction or nonfiction?  How can we tell?  In writing, we wrote an informational book all about spiders.

Vocabulary from the book:
egg sac: a silk pouch that protects and hold spider eggs.
fang: a biting mouthpart of a spider or a large, sharp tooth in other animals.
prey: an animal that is eaten by other animals
venom: poison

Here are just a few activities you can do at home with your child this weekend:

  • Make a spider snack using pretzels for the legs, Ritz cracker or an Oreo for it’s body, and raisins for it’s eyes with icing holding them in place.  Enjoy!
  • Sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider together!
In math: we will be moving into/continuing: 

  • Counting to 100
  • Writing numbers to 20
  • Counting objects to 20 in a line, circle and array and up to 10 objects scattered
  • Comparing objects and numbers up to 10
  • Describe several measurable attributes of an object, such as length or weight.  For example, a student may describe a shoe as, “This shoe is heavy! It is also really long!"
  • Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
  • Continuing to Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers in each category and sort the categories by count.
In the science lab they experimented with gravity by making the weighted robots.
-Understand that things move in different ways and that gravity affects objects. 

Coming up in Social Studies:
Recognize who Veterans are and why we celebrate them on Veterans Day.
Identify the bald eagle as an American Symbol.
Explain positive character traits of veterans.
Learn how American culture celebrates Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day and how others celebrate in their cultures.
Students will be introduced to historical events and figures within a given holiday.
Students will learn about needs and wants.

We are trying to go to see Rudolph at the Center of Puppetry Arts on 12-6-18. In order to go we have to submit payment by November 6th. With that being said the permission slip and the $20 payment needs to be turned in by Friday November 2nd. I've only received a few so far. 

Red Ribbon Week Theme: Leaders make healthy choices!

October 22-26, 2018

Red Ribbon Week is a national event that promotes drug awareness and prevention each year. At Addison, we use this week to encourage our students to make good choices. We hope you will support us in celebrating happy, healthy choices at home! J

Monday – “Make a pledge Monday!”  –   At the start of this nationally recognized Red Ribbon Week – Students will sign class pledge to show that they pledge to live a healthy life! Students will receive red ribbon stickers and pencils.

Tuesday – “Color my life drug free” – Students will receive a Red Ribbon Week coloring sheet.

Wednesday – “Wear Red Wednesday!”  Wear red to support a healthy life!

Thursday – “Healthy Snack Day” –  Students will bring a healthy item to eat during snack.

Friday – “Team up against drugs!”- Wear your favorite team gear or Addison spirit wear.

Square 1 Art catalogs:
If you have any questions regarding this, simply forward them to: carolynn.stoddard@cobbk12.org
The deadline is Oct. 31st, Halloween…and a couple of weeks afterwards I’ll deliver the products to the classrooms.

**If you have not sent back the green inclement weather sheet please do so ASAP**

Upcoming Dates: 
Sat, Oct 20, 8:00 am-12:00 pm, Garden Work Day
Mon, Oct 22-Fri, Oct 26, Red Ribbon Week
Thurs, Oct 25, Peace, Love, and Pizza Night
Fri, Oct 26, FBI Breakfast
Fri, Oct 26, 6:00 pm, Boo-vie Night

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