August 20th-24th

Dates to Remember 
  • Wednesday, August 29th- Early release day 12:15pm
  • Thursday, August 30th- 
    • Chick Fil A Night
    • 3rd, 4th, 5th grades Grandparent's Breakfast
  • Friday, August 31st-
    • Kindergarten Career Dress-Up Day
    • K,1st ,2nd grades Grandparent Breakfast
    • Spirit Day - Wear Addison t-shirt or something green
  • Monday, September 3rd- Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

Reading: We focused on the book Alligators and Crocodiles by Laura Marsh. We had to learn real facts about our Addison Mascot! We learned words like: hatchling, prey, reptile, snout and senses. 

Math: We continued our lessons on counting and worked hard on teen numbers. We spent some time on listening for the difference in teen numbers like 13, versus "ty/dy" numbers like 30. As you listen to your children count, try to help them make the "th" sound for numbers like 13 or 30 instead of the "f" sound. This may help them learn to count higher since they won't confuse the 30s and 40s by saying "firdy."

Writing: We are continuing to work on hand writing and making sure the students are trying to touch the right lines depending on the letters they are writing. We are also asking for students to add more details to their pictures. These details will help them write fuller stories as we work on becoming authors.

Leader in Me: We are still working our way through introducing each habit. We have 2 more to get through this week and then we will be sending a little book home that introduces the habits to your family! The school will focus on the first habit "Be Proactive" at school during the month of September. 

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Career Dress Up Day Friday August 31st