April 30th
We've offered many activities here https://rodgersaddison.blogspot.com/2020/04/april-27th-week-overview.html to support the 4th quarter standards we would have been working on in the classroom. We've also offered several ideas to post to SeeSaw as well as another project to work on and present on Friday. If you are able to do the above activities (or as many as you can) it would be amazing. If you are unable to remember that our digital plan is below for you to fall back on. If you are adding some of the above activities you do not have to do the digital plan daily. If you are only doing the digital plan then please follow it daily Monday-Thursday. If you are adding the above activites to your week then have your child get on digitally at least once a week (ReadingEggs, Raz-Kids, MathSeeds & Dreambox). ***If you are getting prompted to log in to the Cobb Digital Library even through Clever your child's login is their Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@ students....