
Showing posts from October, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Lunches -- Please Plan Accordingly!


October 21-25th

Hoo! Hoo! This week was all about owls. We read and discussed the nonfiction story Owls by Laura Marsh. We understood the importance of defining unknown words in our text as well as stating our opinions on the use of photographs within informative texts.  Vocabulary from the book: camouflage: an animal’s natural color or shape that blends in with what it is around prey: an animal that is eaten by another animal talons: sharp claws on birds that hunt and eat meat wingspan: the length from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing owlet: baby Please look at the columns labeled Q2 on your child's report cards to see what we will be teaching this quarter! For reading and phonics students will need to: Identify all upper and lowercase letters Recognize rhyming words by listening to sets of words Produce all 23 consonant sounds Produce 3-5 vowel sounds Read 25 or more sight words Read at a level B For writings students will need to: Write simple s...

October 14th-18th

What has eight legs and a lot of people are scared of? SPIDERS! This week was all about spiders. We read and discussed Spiders by Laura Marsh. We described characteristics of a spider. What kind of story is this? Is it fiction or nonfiction? How can we tell? In writing, we gave our opinion on if spiders would make good pets or not.  Vocabulary from the book: egg sac: a silk pouch that protects and holds spider eggs fang: a biting mouth part of a spider or a large, sharp tooth in other animals prey: an animal that is eaten by other animals venom: poison I enjoyed getting to talk with everyone at conferences! Thank you for your continued support in and out of the classroom!  Please look at the columns labeled Q2 on your child's report cards to see what we will be teaching this quarter! For reading and phonics students will need to: Identify all upper and lowercase letters Recognize rhyming words by listening to sets of words Produce all 23 consonant sounds ...